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It takes a potent combination of strategy, creativity, design, and communication to make a significant impact for any business; most posses only a single trait on that list, some possess a couple, but very few possess them all. Unlike many in the field, I have successfully demonstrated a wide-ranging skill set that includes both large-scale brand & strategic positioning work and more granular implementation of existing approaches. From developing brand voice, tone, & style—on the more comprehensive end—to concepting & executing creative campaigns—in the mid-range—or generating product, web, and internal corporate copy—on the most granular of scale—I have experience working in all verticals of the creative marketing industry.


Effective advertising is about forging an emotional-connection with your audience. Studies show that consumer decision-making behavior is primarily driven by feeling & sentiment, not information & reason. As such, quality copy is designed to evoke a powerful feeling from your audience. That is why I begin every project by determining the exact affectual response for each individual brand.


Brand identity is the foundation of a business. It is an incredibly unique opportunity to tell your story and convey to the world who you are on your own terms. Company biographies, slogans, blurbs, and other forms of identity-based communication must express the complexity of your business in a clear and digestible manner. My core endeavor is to write copy that imparts a tangible and material impression of your business and its core offerings.


From Social Media display advertisements to account & timeline management, I have experience in originating unique copy for brands and products to more effectively engage their target audiences. Each social media platform requires a different approach and tone, giving an advantage to writers who have worked in many different mediums. I strive to create quality copy that captures attention, sparks interest, and ultimately, drives customer engagement.


A website is one of the most crucial interaction points with potential customers. If well-executed, it can form a large part of your overall marketing strategy, however, if unclear, confusing, or vague, it will likely drive customers away. As a communication method, every effectual website begins with clear, concise, & informative copy. When crafting web copy, I remain highly-focused on the client's core value proposition, distilling essential information into simplest form.


With over one billion websites out there, it is more important than ever to have a presence that is designed for discovery. Search optimization is likely the most crucial aspect of any online initiative, determining whether your business will be found by those seeking it, or whether it will be buried in an endless sea of unclicked links. From on-site SEO to reputation management, I have achieved client results which more than doubled exposure from prior firms (see case study for details).


When it comes to internal handbooks, policy & procedures, company values, and other corporate documents, clarity and precision are absolutely essential. Unlike other forms of copy which require more "flair," corporate documents must be unambiguous in their language, written in a universally accessible manner. From human resources documents, internal presentations, and client-facing sales materials, I strive to generate copy that is distinct, straight-forward, and goal-oriented.

Everything is designed but just few things are designed well.

For copy that converts, choose a professional. When it comes to your business, you can't afford the luxury of having to choose twice. “Price is what you pay, Value is what you get." - Warren Buffett.

For a deeper dive into the breadth of my experience, sort individual works by medium below

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Case Studies & Client Results

Specific case studies on process, method, and detailed data-driven results are available on the resources page in plain text and—for one profile—in a unique, web-based storytelling format; to view this visually-driven client case study, click to open this link in a new window.

Show, Don’t Tell”

Many copywriters have excellent communication skills—in fact, it’s perhaps the only firm requirement for the job—however, they often lack a far more important, impactful, and difficult-to-acquire skill; the skill of masterful storytelling and the ability to weave narrative into a work, forming meaningful connections with an audience through artfully-orchestrated emotional messaging.

In today’s economy, where emotional connection to a brand is seen as crucial  for 82% of consumers, businesses cannot afford  to choose a simple “copy-cog,” a “writer” who will put word upon paper… but not much elseIt might be easy to tell yourself, “this task is simple,” a small project that really “doesn’t require much thought or narrative,” something that only calls for a pen and ink. It is easy to think that because it is simple, flawed and rather short-sighted.

While much time can be sunk into deliberating whether it’s worth it, or whether the job can be done for less somewhere else, or maybe even hiring the wrong person and still  having to pay for it, your competitors won’t be wasting time, they will be paying a masterful emotional communicator to tell their brand’s story. Then, when you go to market with a twelve-pegged mahogany wheel, they’ll show up with their transcontinental, hands-free, “cyclical voyager,” and swoop up each and every one of those sales that you calculated back-and-forth to really “scrutinize” the potential ROI of this “simple” product copy.


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